Medications - Varicose veins of legs - Treatment
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Medications for Treating Varicose Veins of Legs

Varicose veins are a very common condition, especially in women, and this problem does not require treatment in most people, but some people may go for seeking appropriate treatment such as varicose veins of the legs to get rid of their annoying form and prevent their various complications. But are there effective medicines to treat varicose veins? That's what we'll explain in this article.

Varicose Veins in legs are those swollen veins in your leg that are caused by damage to the veins' valves that prevent blood from reversing its normal direction, resulting in blood accumulating around those valves.

What are the different ways to treat Varicose Veins in Legs?
Many who want to treat varicose veins have consulted Dr. Waleed El-Daly because he is a specialist doctor and practitioner in treating Varicose Veins without Surgery. Fortunately, there are many effective methods of treating varicose veins, including:

Lifestyle Change:
Dr. Waleed El-Daly Professor of Vascular Surgery and Diabetic Foot Treatment always advises his patients to change their lifestyle and avoid the causes of varicose veins in legs. The most important tips are:
• Weight loss, as excess weight is a risk factor for varicose veins.
• Avoid carrying heavy objects.
• Avoid standing or sitting for long periods without movement.
• Eat healthy foods.
• Exercise or walk to activate blood circulation.
• Lift the leg when sitting or lying down.

Wearing Compressive Socks:
Wearing compression socks is the first suggestion Dr. Waleed El-Daly can tell you before starting any other procedures. Compression socks work to compress the veins and muscles in your leg; This helps to improve blood circulation and blood flow more efficiently. Pressure scores vary depending on the type of socks, and you will find them available in pharmacies or medical device shops.

Medications for treating Varicose Veins of the Legs:
Varicose veins of the legs prescribed by the doctor can include ointments and creams or others according to each patient's condition. For example, if varicose veins cause sores and infections, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory creams and ointments to control the complications of varicose veins in legs. However, we must note that varicose veins as such cannot be treated with medicines, but in the following ways:
1- Sclerotherapy:
The doctor can use special injections for the most advanced cases, injecting drugs under a category called "hardening agents" into the veins directly that seal the veins in a few weeks and then fade those veins. This therapeutic method is known as "sclerotherapy" and may take place in more than one session depending on the condition, and this treatment does not require undergoing anaesthesia and can take place in the clinic.

2- Laser therapy:
There are two types of lasers, surface lasers used in the Treatment of Laser Surface Varicose Veins or Spider Veins where the doctor directs them directly to the target area, the laser heat fades the veins, and this treatment does not require any injections or openings.
The other type of laser is used for deeper varieties where the doctor uses the catheter to reach the vein, and then directs the laser beam or ultrasound through the catheter to reach and seal the vein.

3- Treatment through CLaCS technique:
This Brazilian technique allows a varicose-legged patient to benefit from laser therapy and hardening together, as well as multiple benefits.

4- Endoscopic Vein Removal:
Surgical surgery is a last option for the doctor if other therapeutic methods for advanced conditions fail. In that surgery, the doctor makes small cracks in the leg and then inserts the endoscope and other surgical instruments through it to remove the damaged veins and then closes the cracks with surgical threads. The procedure requires a place equipped as an outpatient or hospital, and the patient returns home on the same day.

Varicose Veins of legs in general do not need surgical intervention in most cases, however, Dr. Waleed El-Daly advises that is important to consult a doctor, if the patient starts to feel with any pain or heaviness in the foot or when the patient starts to find the appearance of ulcers on his foot.
